Monday, November 5, 2007

Why can't I get anything done???

Or at least that is what I USED to say, back in the bad old days. (Ok, as of 2 weeks ago).

In my former life, I was a huge consumer of motivational books, tapes, etc. My favorite is still Zig Ziglar - "How high does a tree grow? As high as it can!!" Seems cheesy now, but it hit the mark on my daily commutes into Boston. And I was younger, and not as cynical. Another of my favorites was Dr. Wayne Dyer, back when he had hair, but he's gotten New Age-ish silly, with shows on PBS ending with his daughter wailing songs like "The Rose" in the background.

But with less time to devote to more work, I just wasn't moving through the projects/accomplishments the way I need to, and that frustration does a number on your outlook.

Reading Wired magazine (that's another story - love it) and read a review of David Allen's Getting Things Done, then bought the book. It's just perfect for me right now.

There is much to his system, but I'm mainly using his tips on making lists a habit. The theory is, once it's on paper, or an easily accessed file in an organized fashion, it's off your mind until the appropriate time, and your brain is free to THINK, not worry over the details of your life. ("did I remember to call the insurance company/the client for Milford," etc)

He doesn't get too deep into the "follow your dreams" train of thought that I would have no patience for right now. ("Follow my dreams? How's about I follow myself out the door in time to pick up my kids so they're not giving me the evil eye at Pre-School?")

And it's working. I FEEL calmer, more organized. There's no less to do, but I feel focused in doing it.

Check with me in a week, let's see if it lasts.....

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